HTML tutorial

// The game does not work with some versions of Chrome. It will work in other browsers. You can also download an executable down below. \\

In this fixed shooter, you must understand the rules of each level in order to complete it.

Controls :

All you need is a mouse or a finger!
Shoot by clicking anywhere in the screen.

In the menu, you can either play the first level by clicking "Play", or choose a level by clicking on it. You can return to the main menu or reset the current level at any moment by clicking on the icons in the corner of the screen.

Installation :

The game is supposed to run on your browser. However, it may display a black screen and the music may not launch. Try to open it with another browser, or download the executable by clicking here!

Alternatir also run on Android devices. You can dowload an installer at the bottom of the page, or by clicking here.

If you have any comment about the game or if you want to help me improve it, please leave a message here or at the following adress:
You can also find my other games on my website.

Have fun !


Alternatir.apk 44 MB

Install instructions

This game is very simple to install:

  • Wait for the download to end.
  • Copy-paste the file in your smartphone, for example in the Applications folder.
  • On your smartphone, open "My files" and find Alternatir.apk.
  • Click on it and launch the installation.
  • Enjoy!